Think Like Jesus, Lead Like Moses

Using the bible and scenes from well-known movies, you’ll learn fundamental truths on which to build great leadership skills.

Course Summary

 Think like Jesus Lead like Moses challenges us to look to two of the world’s most successful leaders to see how they guide people in the wilderness. The course provides applicable insights into well-known leadership styles by constructing a bridge between commonsense business methods and profound biblical insights. David’s transparency and honesty as he shares his own fiery and refining trials gives you a “safe place” to admit your failings and successes.

Based on his book, Think Like Jesus, Lead Like Moses: Leadership Lessons from the Wilderness Crucible David presents 10 video lessons in which he discusses principles of Godly leadership based on a study of the life of Moses. In a the section, Principle Reflections, you are presented with a "point to ponder" and questions for reflection that you can use either in private or group study.

Course Curriculum

David Lantz

I have always enjoyed being a teacher. I have taught adult Sunday School classes and small group bible studies for the last twenty years. Outside of the Bible, I am an Adjunct Professor of Business Management and Economics for the University of Phoenix, Indiana Wesleyan University, and several other Indiana colleges, including Ivy Tech. I teach both online and face to face courses. I was named the 2005 Faculty of the Year by the first graduating class of the Indianapolis Campus of the University of Phoenix.  

I've developed my courses with an eye to creating a story around which to present my content.  This  is called "Story Centric Teaching."  I invite you to review my courses and preview selected lessons.  

I look forward to having you as one of my students!

Course Pricing

Think Like Jesus, Lead Like Moses

$10 USD

  • One Low Price of $10!

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