Want to Apply the Study of History, Geography, and the Bible to Understand the Clash of Cultures in the  21st Century?

You've Found the Right Course!

Clash of the Superpowers

Using the novel, The Brotherhood of the Scroll, this course compares the clash of superpowers in ancient and modern times.

Course Summary

Clash of the Superpowers is designed to introduce you to the history, geography, and biblical references of the exile of Judah to Babylon, and how we can learn and apply this knowledge to present day events. Using the novel, The Brotherhood of the Scroll, you will be given reading comprehension quizzes, trace the story line of events, and write essay papers about key concepts presented in the material. These essays will explore both ancient and modern clashes between world superpowers, cultural ideals, and personal application. As a result of this course, you will learn how to apply the lessons of history to understand current events. You will also learn how to apply biblical principles to confront the same personal moral challenges that faced such individuals as Daniel and Jeremiah thousands of years ago.

The Course has 5 Sections  

Introduction - this section provides an overview of the course, including lesson descriptions and course syllabus.

The Brotherhood of the Scroll - Describes the novel upon which the course is based, and how to order the book. You can order it in both printed and e-book (Kindle) formats.  

Video Presentations and Readings - a combination of 5 - 7 minute video lessons and written course readings.  These can be assigned for viewing outside of class or watched in a group setting and discussed afterward.  

Lesson Assessments - vocabulary definitions, matching quizzes, short essays and reading comprehension assessments. While you can take the course without purchasing and reading the novel, The Brotherhood of the Scroll, your learning experience will be enhanced if you do so.

Essay assignments - designed to accompany the lessons.  If you are working with high school age students, it is highly encouraged that you require your students to do them.  You may grade them as you wish.  For students not yet in High School, these assignments might be turned into small group projects.

Course Curriculum

David Lantz

I have always enjoyed being a teacher. I have taught adult Sunday School classes and small group bible studies for the last twenty years. Outside of the Bible, I am an Adjunct Professor of Business Management and Economics for the University of Phoenix, Indiana Wesleyan University, and several other Indiana colleges, including Ivy Tech. I teach both online and face to face courses. I was named the 2005 Faculty of the Year by the first graduating class of the Indianapolis Campus of the University of Phoenix.  

I've developed my courses with an eye to creating a story around which to present my content.  This  is called "Story Centric Teaching."  I invite you to review my courses and preview selected lessons.  

I look forward to having you as one of my students!

Course Pricing

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Clash of the Superpowers

$15 USD

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AJ Runkles

Wonderful Curriculum

I met David Lantz, the author of this course, when we were both teaching dual credit classes for high school seniors. I knew from the moment I met him that he was knowledgeable, prepared, and cared about the content of his course. You will see all of those things as you navigate through the curriculum he made for "Clash of The Superpowers." This curriculum would be wonderful for a Christian family who is homeschooling their adolescents and want to teach them history with an application. I highly recommend you use this curriculum!

2 months ago
Nadia O

Engaging Resource

The author of this course, David Lantz, has skillfully combined storytelling with history and Biblical truth. His clear teaching and unique style helped me understand the differences between the superpowers of the Old Testament age, and the novel brings the lectures to life. A great resource! -Nadia O'Neil, age 16

3 months ago